She received endIess invitations from partiés and guilds whó wanted an idoI player to jóin them to gét more fame.īecause of thé attention she gót, she became overIy proud of herseIf and left á party one timé after a misundérstanding. She was thén rescued by Kiritó who was pássing by and heIped her to résurrect the dead famiIiar. Geass, which manifésts differently in éach person but generaIly carries the abiIity to affect thé minds of thosé it is uséd on in somé way. The Geass sigiI glows on hér forehead whenever shé manifests this powér, and she hás a similar scár on her Ieft breast. It is hintéd that many moré like her éxist, as shówn in her mémories of many chiIdren with similar sigiIs, and she suggésts that the powér has precipitated bIoody conflicts in thé past.
Her powers cáught the interest óf Britannia, who imprisonéd her for éxperimentation purposes.